Thursday, July 15, 2010

So Frustrated...but at who?

I went to my doctors appointments, and was passed on down the line from one referral, to the next.

I had started at the Nurse Practitioner, who did some tests to rule out that my appendix was acting up, or that I had kidney stones. Both were negative. She then agreed with the CT Scan that I had had 3 years ago, it was probably adhesions, and referred me to a surgeon, but we couldn't get in for 2 weeks. This means a month with new pain, unknown pain.

OK, we can do this...end in sight.

We get to the new surgeon, and the appointment was quick. I took Charles in with witness on not only how I get treated, but maybe some intimidation for them to do their job. (yeah, time, bring a big stick with us)

She runs through what the previous visit was like, and lets us know right away that she disagrees with her opinion, and feels that it is a pulled muscle. After 5 weeks?? She wants to do an ultrasound, which I have never seen done for a pulled muscle. Charles jumps in and explains to her some of my history of negative stress tests, but then a quadruple bypass, medication to calm you down, and I am wired for days..etc. So, she them says that maybe a CT Scan would be better, but then she wants me to get an evaluation at Physical Therapy. I refuse telling her I have already completed it, but she asked if I would just get the evaluation part..and then I can make up my mind from there. None of this is making sense to me, but I agree, mainly out of totally frustration of being passed on again. She does tell me that the only way of finding adhesions is to open me up and looking, and with "my medical history", they don't want to do that unless they absolutely have to. (ahhhhh, she already read my chart)

So we left, the nurse made all the appointments for us. I had the CT Scan, which of course came back normal, and I cancelled my evaluation with the Physical therapist. By this time, the pain has reached from my back, around to my right hip bone, across my stomach to my left hip bone and down my right thigh.

Nobody is listening.

I have my appointment with the pain clinic. I tell her how frustrated I am for being passed around. She tells me this is now the norm. Doctors are all specialist, and once you reach the end of what they do, they pass you to the next one. But no one is talking to eachother!!! She said they are, through your chart!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? She didn't know anything about the pain getting worse, and moving to my lower stomach either she wasn't reading it, or someone didn't document it well. She did tell me I could get a second opinion, which I will since my Rheumatologist was fired!! See, there is something positive about all of this!!!

She decided to do pelvic x rays to see if "it" has spread to my hip joints, or something has happened to my SI joints to make this worse. She did use the word, "Sacroiliitis", and that I needed more injections into my SI joints.

I had my pelvic and SI joint area x rays completed. There were 2 white lines across each side of my hips. Long story about the tech trying to take care of me. Hope nothing is broken. Find out tomorrow, I hope. Then I have to decided if I want more injections....need to make a lot of decisions actually.

More waiting....More being passed on....I still don't know anything. Am I frustrated at them for not doing their job, or am I frustrated at myself for not making them do their job?

I do not want to become one of those screaming idiots you see in the waiting know the ones, the ones that get things done, but no one likes them, and they talk about them at their dinner tables at night. Why..Why do I have to become one of those people in order to get things done...the first time?

So frustrated!

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